Memory Box

My latest addition to my memory box was a Christmas card I was given from my sister and her fiance a week before Christmas.

I’m going to set the scene….

Its mid-afternoon and I’ve just drove home in my pajamas from a friend’s house still feeling extremely rough due to a late night of dancing and mischief. I get home and my sister and her fiancé are waiting for me to let them into the house.

We sit for a while having general chit chat and then all of a sudden ‘James’ looks at my sister and says ‘should we just give her it now’ and hands me an envelope.

I was confused because I was sure I had already got a Christmas card from them, but I was hung-over and tired so didn’t really think too much of it.

I opened the envelope……


I read the front and within seconds knew what was coming


I read the card and was flooded with tears

Happy tears

Overwhelmed tears

I was drowning in them and couldn’t even congratulate them.

It was one of the happiest moments of my life, and I’m sure now…..there’s going to be many more.

Talk soon…..S

Memory Box

Something about myself is that ‘I don’t remember’

I don’t have stories from my childhood that I can easily recall at any time – Like my sister can. (I envy how many memories from our childhood she has because I feel like I missed out, However most of them I actually lived so didn’t miss at all.)

I love to document life though.

  • Scrapbooks
  • Diary’s
  • Photographs.

Whereas my sister doesn’t. When I look through my scrapbook and see photos or trigger words I’m able to scavenge the memories from my brain and recall them.

In comparison to my sister I need that little trigger to push the memories back into reachable brain space.

  From a young age I have kept a memory box.

I put whatever I like into it, sometimes the most random objects, and sometimes really important documents or even something that represents an achievement.

My box started off as a rather small space, however over a short period of time I realised I like to keep a lot of random things in a totally un-organised way and the lid wouldn’t even nearly fit on top of the box.

I needed a bigger box!

And that’s what I got, slowly but surely the same issue is arising….

I thought it might be interesting for me to share what is in my memory box. A lot is very personal but it’ll be good to relive the memories again.

I’m hoping it’ll be a little project I can do to cheer myself up, as I’m feeling very low lately.

I’m also hoping it’s going to be something you enjoy, snooping into my memory box.

I guess its also going to be another form of documenting things 🙂

Let me know what you think and keep an eye out for my first insight to what I’ve collected!

Talk to you later….S